The Galaxy – Pre-Kindergarteners
Our Goals for The Galaxy Pre-K
We encourage independence and responsibility in multiple ways from zipping their own coats, to getting their own lunches out and ready. This Pre-K room is designed to get your child ready for Kindergarten. The daily routine is a nice combination of preschool play meets real school! We also try to incorporate more “real world” experiences for the kids. We learn the states and all their capitals, we have a Homecoming week ending with a big dance, we focus on recycling and ways to help the environment and more!
Our Approach to Teaching Pre-K in the Galaxy
We do a daily morning circle that will review a variety of things-your child’s phone number and address, numbers, letters/letter sounds, common words, calendar (which reviews days of the weeks, months, yesterday/today/tomorrow), weather, and many other things.
Sign Language and Foreign Language
The language education continues with our Sign Language and Spanish teacher coming once a week. We also integrate the language practice throughout the day.